Monday, May 3, 2010

Halo Reach Beta

So I just played about an hours worth of the halo reach beta. And I had a great game of single flag CTF. Trying desperately to figure out how to get video's from my file share to youtube for free =( Coming up short on answers here.

Anyway here's a quick view on the classes/abilities:

  • Sprint: So far its been the most useful, especially when coupled with melee weapons like the gravity hammer in particular. I havn't tried it with the sword yet but, I do not believe you can lock on while sprinting, thus making it weaker then the gravity hammer which can Whack opponents right out of a sprint. PS. Sprint is a toggle ability
  • Jetpack: I was most excited about jetpack. I don't wanna say I'm disappointed now but every time I take off into the clear blue yonder it seems to be suicide as I'm shot outta the sky like a chicken trying to escape a KFC chef. (yes im aware they arrive to the kitchen dead already. thats my point). It does however seem to be a necessity on maps like sword base unless you know the base inside and out.
To use the jetpack you hold LB for as long as you wish to climb, or burn your thrusters rather. The reason I say burn your thrusters, is because you don't climb right away unless you start your push while jumping up, or at a standstill. If you are falling, expect to burn through about 40% of your fuel fighting your downward momentum to even out and ultimately begin climbing while picking up speed. I hope this uncovers the mystery behind the jetpack for you!
  • Armor Lock: To Armor lock you hold LB for as long as you'd like, tho it does wear out after about 6-8 seconds. For this time you jam your fist into the ground and are invincible as you know, here's something you may be interested to hear tho. Since we all know you release a shield thwarting EMP when you finish your ability, leaving enemies open to 1 shot kills one would expect enemies to steer clear of your armor lock. This is somewhat true but I found most enemies rushing too me, which excited me thinking I had an easy kill lined up, until they instantly assassinated me when my shields wore. So keep this in mind!
  • Stealth: ah, active camo. Well heres the good thing, it lasts a good while, even when your moving, and easily twice as long at least when not moving. That being sad heres the bad, scrambles your radar and your enemies radar; and you still have the classic camo distortion of the environment. Meaning your silhouette can still be made out quite easily if someone is looking for you, which enemies are sure to be doing if they're radar is jammed. So yes it has its uses, and if your team creates a good diversion you can sneak into their flank and get some pimp assassinations. This is also a Toggle ability.

As for elites that will be coming soon, but I havn't actually played as one yet!

Game Modes

  • 1 flag ctf: take turns on offense and defense for 4 rounds.
  • Stockpile:s multiple neutral flags spawn and are counted every minute. Stockpile yours in your base and snatch enemies out of theirs.
  • Oddball: havn't played yet
  • Team slayer: Rack up kills

4.5 - Everything looks crisp and clear but sorry bungie, 5/5 is reserved for final fantasy and similar games that just totally push the envelope. Plus I had the melon size grenades.
Gameplay: 5 - Just a fun ass game. Lots of different weapons and armors to choose from to pick a gameplay style that suits your needs, your teams needs, or your mood.
Sound: 4 - Weapons, effects, and of course the typical classic halo guy saying "slayer" are all back and as good as ever. But it's sounds. It's nothing spectacular, the only game I would give a 5 or close to a 5 is Call of Duty b/c you really need to listen to whats going on out there.
Controls: 4 - There are some borderline retarded controls, and the fact that you can't fully customize your controls button by button in this day and age is questionable but not uncommon, however they do offer something like 8 defaults so they deserve a good score here regardless.
Network/ Menus: 5 - As of rightn ow the network score is realistically a 2, however if you see everything they're doing with it, its bound to be a 5 if it works out the way I'm expecting and hoping. Searches set by how much people talk and their play styles, interactive menu's right now are cool but are confusing and could use some touching up. Once it's fixed it will blow away any other game menu to date, and its party friendly.